Early February 2022, I started researching COVID-19 treatments. We had seen the evidence of the negative side effects and even deaths from the vax Note. The stories between government sources and independent trusted news were conflicting… besides, it was already being admitted that the vaccine didn’t work as originally promoted….

7 Conditions That Precede the Lord’s Return
There has always been much speculation regarding the timing of the Lord’s return. Too often the view is through a negative lens or human filter of tradition instead of actually looking at what is stated in scripture. Even though there are many more verses than what is provided in this…

The Exact Day of the Rapture
Is There A Secret Resurrection? The term rapture is an English word derived from the Greek word harpazó: which means to seize, catch up, or snatch away as mentioned in the Bible verses found in 1st Thessalonians 4:17. 16 For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a…

The End of Hollywood
The End … of Hollywood as we know it. The recent actors’ and writers’ strike opens the door for a new era in the entertainment industry. It seems like the perfect storm to usher in a righteous reformation. “It’s a perfect storm… and these conditions will potentially produce an absolute…

Silence Is Not An Option
“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” Edmund Burke For decades now, when it comes to injustice and evil social ideologies, the silence of the Christian population and specifically the organized church has been overwhelming. Instead, social injustice has been…

Good vs Evil
Let’s just say it up front…Good will win, evil will be defeated! The daily news headlines remind us that throughout history we are in battle of Good versus Evil. In a recent speech, news commentator Tucker Carlson emphasized this point extremely well. (Tucker Carlson clip from his Heritage Foundation speech)…

Why Worldview is Important
Everyday you see the world from a specific view. That view has been influenced by the way you were raised; by the environment you live in; by your education; by culture (media, arts, entertainment) and by what you’ve been taught to believe. So how you see the world, your specific…